December 29, 2009

weird night...

s1_002_1, originally uploaded by Mally Swansen.

last night was kind of weird.......when hot signed on, i was clubbing at Club Eros, which is a favorite of mine. after we talked for a little while....and he just seemed...out of it. like, he wasn't the same person that i know....kissy warned me about that from day one...and now i'm starting to realize what she means.

i know from kissy that he has sort of a drinking issue, but i couldn't tell if that was the case last night or not. he was just acting really weird, not really responding to what i was saying, just giving the classic "I Love You"s over and over again. it finally got to where he wouldn't even answer me when i said stuff so i just said goodnight and signed off.


why on earth do men have to be so damn difficult!!!!!

by the way, i'm doing a little better since my grandpa passed away. i have the support of friends and family, and i know he's in a better place now. it's really difficult, but each day gets easier and easier....thank you to everyone who has supported me through this, i cant tell you how much you mean to me!!! :)

P.S.: in case you didn't know already, new pics are up on my flickr page :)