January 22, 2010


this post is gonna be kinda long, so bear with me, k? :) my first day of work (last Thursday) was so amazing!! of course, i couldn't wait to get up there on that pole! haha. it's funny, but working at Club Eros has actually made me love the club even more. i'm glad to have found a "family" in sl.

By the way, new pictures are going to be posted on my Flickr soon! i wish i could post them all on here, but BlogSpot has to be retarded and give me a limit.
Anyway, the dress i'm wearing in that picture is FREE. it's on the "Fabulously Free in Sl" Blog...i'm following it, so it should be easy to find. the dress is part of a set in a hunt, and every single dress in that set is absolutely GORGEOUS. i was SO amazed by all of them!!!!
I took this picture at the "Free Photography Studio". I don't remember the exact name of the place, nor do i have a landmark (i'm such a huge help, aren't i?) but if you search in-world for "Free Photography Studio" i'm sure it will come up. :)

hmm....being preggo.......is kinda fun, but weird at the same time. i have to take my tummy off for work, and i have to return to my normal shape, so it's not like i'm getting the entire effect. i think watching myself be preggo in sl is making me tired in rl!! hahah!!!

Now that i have a job, i'm thinking about buying the rest of the accessories for my baby. however, i'm still not really making enough to cover what i want to buy.....and i'm not making enough to even cover paying rent on my own place. so i guess my job is just for having fun, stripping, and making a little spending money on the side?? haha.

anyway, i'm sorry i havent posted in a while. rl has got me busy, but somehow i still found time to be in sl a lot.....just don't have time to blog about my adventures after i have said adventures. :) XOXOXOXO

January 14, 2010

pregnant & a stripper.

CAUTION: what you are about to see is pretty freakin' racy (well, I guess it is), so if that kinda stuff offends you, DONT LOOK!! haha, just scroll down super super duper fast.
But....it's a picture of me........as a stripper.

Goodness...i just can't wait for tonight!!!
tonight is the first night that i work at Club Eros, my favorite club in SL. After i finally got the job there, Persian and i agreed that i would work on Thursday nights.

It's a little weird, but i've been waiting on tonight all week. i can't wait to finally get the chance to actually WORK at a club instead of be a guest. :)

anyway, i'm just going to give you this next bit of news straight up: my pregnancy test came back positive. and, i'm totally happy about it. of course, i take my belly off when i'm working or at clubs, or generally around other people, because how awkward would it be to see a pregnant stripper? i can't have my belly talking to everyone while im upside down on a pole.....XD

i have set the due date for our baby girl to be February 17, 2010.
i can't wait!! hot and i still need to decide on a name, and i'll let you guys know when we do. i'm so happy i'm going to be a mommy.

and thank God this isn't happening to me in rl. XD

come see me at work tonight!
the party at Club Eros is nightly from 7pm-9pm SLT.

January 07, 2010

ZOMG Zoobys! and mack truck feeling.

I just had to post this picture!! It's of me and my rl bf, Matty, dancing at the club. And yes, I'm still together with Hot.....but since my rl bf has a sl account now, I don't mind taking him out once in a while XD And, hey! look! there's Kissy to the left of us!! *Waves*!! (why am I waving to a freakin' picture?)

Also. Hot and I visited the Zooby Baby store last night.......and well, we goofed around just a little bit. a little. Riding those toy cars was probably the most hilarious thing I saw ALL day yesterday.
Hot was nice enough to lend me $5000 towards the purchase of the Zooby Baby "Casey", and ZOMG, you don't know how excited I am. Of course I'm going to pay him back later, but I have wanted one of those babies for such a long time!!!!!! So, the Baby Story is back in motion!!! :D
Anyway, I have a ton of other pictures I really need to blog about, but I really feel like crap today. My sinuses are all screwy, I'm coughing and sneezing my head off, and on top of that, I feel all feverish. Blah............OH, and did I mention it's supposed to snow here in SC tonight?!! And I have a dog that has to go on regular pee breaks?? Joy. Joy. Joy.
So, I'll probably just post the pictures I want to blog on flickr and call it a day. Because i SO don't feel like blogging about them right now....and for once, my reason is not that i'm being lazy. i just feel like i've been run over with a mack truck.
Most likely, if everything goes according to whatever plan i have, i'll be online tonight, so look for me. my best friend's grandma is having emergency surgery today, so i'm probably going to have to get my fat ass out of bed to go check on my bestie, but i'm sure i'll be back tonight. peace.

January 06, 2010

restless night....not much news.

well i gotta say...even though my posts have been kind of dead lately, my SL hasn't been, haha.

my rl BF just created an SL account, and i spent like 3 hours today shopping for stuff for him, haha. it was fun and all....but something tells me he's not going to get on SL that much.

and speaking of boyfriends, hot hasn't signed on at all.....i dont even know how long it's been since i last talked to him. which really sucks.......cause i kind of miss him.

but, i've been keeping myself occupied with clubbing and such. Kissy and i are becoming the best of friends...it's funny how a friendship blossomed from a comment that would have otherwise caused us to be enemies. i credit her for that, though, because if it weren't for her loving and forgiving nature...we wouldn't have been friends lol. i can assure you, i'll never talk to her the way i did again, haha.

like i said, not much is new. i was sent a job application (directly from the owner!!) of my favorite club in SL today, and i just filled it out and turned it in ;) i'm pretty excited about it....i'll update with details later. <3

but for now, i have a massive headache but can't sleep. so maybe i'll sign back in for a little while..............