December 30, 2009

l'eggo my eggo, i'm preggo!!!!

So, last night i spent the majority of my time on SL with Kissy. we talked and laughed, and even shopped together....she and i are becoming closer and closer each day. it's really weird how a friendship could spawn off of my comment to her asking to remove the cuddle rug from my house. XD

last night Kissy and i went shopping......for babies. i've been wanting to see the Zooby Baby store for a while, and when i went last night, i was semi-disappointed the store didn't have any demos, but the pictures on the wall were cute enough. besides, they had the CUTEST nursery sets and stuff.......adorable place. i went to a few other places, but none seemed to really compare to the cuteness of Zooby's babies.....

however, i really kind of want to go through the whole "pregnant" process too.....i dont want to make appointments in clinics and whatnot, but i'm just seriously curious about how the whole "preggo in sl" thing works. plus, i kind of want a baby of my own.....something to care for and entertain me. lol, like some kind of amusing pet, i would just be nice to have a family :)

anyway, i haven't really found much that i'm happy for pregnancy HUDS has made me even more confused about the whole process than i was before. i'm starting to get the hang of it, though....and i might have settled on something...but i'm not entirely sure yet. i'm just kinda hopeful that this family thing works out :)

and yes, i'm prepared to be judged for being "pregnant in sl", and for all that crap people will give me, and all the questions people will ask. i honestly don't care what other people think,'s what i want for myself and hot, and it's not their concern.

i also find it kind of funny that i absolutely can not STAND children in real life, unless they dont scream or poop or cry...which in that case, children like that don't exist except maybe in heaven. i'm a volunteer at the animal shelter in rl, and i just love animals, dogs in particular....dogs are just more of my thing. i find it easy to train them and just be around them in not so much. i also used to really get annoyed by the stupid talking tummies that i see everywhere, but then again, i was always kinda curious about them, too. :)

we'll see how it goes, i guess. i'm still shopping around <3

December 29, 2009

weird night...

s1_002_1, originally uploaded by Mally Swansen.

last night was kind of weird.......when hot signed on, i was clubbing at Club Eros, which is a favorite of mine. after we talked for a little while....and he just seemed...out of it. like, he wasn't the same person that i know....kissy warned me about that from day one...and now i'm starting to realize what she means.

i know from kissy that he has sort of a drinking issue, but i couldn't tell if that was the case last night or not. he was just acting really weird, not really responding to what i was saying, just giving the classic "I Love You"s over and over again. it finally got to where he wouldn't even answer me when i said stuff so i just said goodnight and signed off.


why on earth do men have to be so damn difficult!!!!!

by the way, i'm doing a little better since my grandpa passed away. i have the support of friends and family, and i know he's in a better place now. it's really difficult, but each day gets easier and easier....thank you to everyone who has supported me through this, i cant tell you how much you mean to me!!! :)

P.S.: in case you didn't know already, new pics are up on my flickr page :)

December 24, 2009

a really awful Christmas.

So, i've been absent for the past couple of days on SL. My grandfather has been in the hospital since this weekend, and honestly, that's where i've been staying all week. he had a severe stroke while in the hospital, and was sent to the ICU on tuesday....and they put him in hospice tuesday evening.

well, he passed away yesterday morning at about 11am, and i just haven't really felt like doing anything since.

last year at christmas, my mom was in the hospital with cancer. i spent christmas eve at home by myself last year....and i was so looking forward to an actual normal christmas this year. however, i guess that's not going to happen.

his funeral is on saturday, so i probably won't be writing until at least monday. i'm sorry for the absence, guys...i'm just really upset right now, and don't feel like much of anything. :( prayers are much appreciated.

December 18, 2009

house! house! house!

you ever have those times where you just feel really brilliant??? well, last night i had an epic moment of brilliance. i found a house on xstreet for...guess how much??
go on, guess! i'll give you 3 guesses.

the house is absolutely wonderful. and for a freebie, it's seriously not bad at all. i really wish the windows and doors had a locking system, but that can totally be fixed later. right now, i'm just so freaking excited about this place!!
i plan on showing Hot sometime tonight, if he's online. i really hope he likes it. it's not EXACTLY what i had in mind, but for a first starter's not bad. (not to mention it was free) i can't wait to show him and see what he thinks. i have confidence i can spruce it up and make it into a beautiful place that we can call home.
the staircase is totally amazing...i'm pretty sure it's sculpted, but not completely 100% sure on that. i'd say the walls need a little work....i wouldn't really be happy with that color EVERYWHERE in my house.

there's one big main room downstairs, and another room with a door downstairs, which could be a kitchen, bedroom, or bathroom.

upstairs is another large open room, with another closed room attached to it, and a pretty balcony.

i'm not going to post all the pictures here, but all the pics i took last night will be available on my flickr account.
i also spent some quality time with Hot's sister, which was pretty great. she's so easy to talk to....we talked about getting married and all that sorts of stuffs. i really love her...i'm hoping to become better friends with her soon! :)

December 16, 2009

more portraits....

just for a heads-up, i've added more portraits to my flickr account.

you should go check them out. they're titled "Beach Portraits", taken at my favorite beach spot in SL, Venice Beach.

i love Venice Beach because it's so quiet & pretty. it's like a little slice of heaven at the beach.....

wonderful night....then it ends.

tonight was really grand. hot and i went dancing for a long time tonight at Phat Cat's Jazz Club, one of my favorite clubs in SL. i just love the classic romantic feeling of it. there seemed to be something magical about was really wonderful.

until, i sent an IM to his ex, Kissy. long story short, she got me to thinking about some things. she asked me, "why take someone back, if he only came back to you because i left him?" and that was a really, really good question. i hadn't thought about it that way before. i took him back because i missed him.

kissy said basically she was tired of his deceit and lies, and she didn't know what his game was, but she was tired of being a pawn in it. i'm not sure what all of that means, but i cant really imagine Hot being that way to someone. however, it does make me think....why would she make that stuff up, if she's already married another guy????

i mean, it's not like i'm going to jump on the "i hate hotshot" wagon anytime soon, but it really did make me think. apparently, he's done something to her that's not good. the way she talked about him was just...kind of hateful, to be honest. she said he'd kept bothering her up until last week, which is when we got back together. she even offered to send me all the emails and stuff he sent to her. i didnt take that offer.

kissy told me, "i hope you can have all his babies that he wants, because i sure didnt want to be pregnant." she said he told her he never wanted to have kids with any other woman, in rl or sl. i told her there was a no-kids policy between us, but she wasn't buying it. this baby thing was a smack in the face.

i honestly don't know who's telling the truth here, but i'm going to find out. it's weird because this has happened to me in RL once, too. i'm just kind of confused....

she seems okay, but i'm still wary of her advice. and of course i don't trust hot completely i'm pretty much lost in what to do. i guess i'll just sleep on it, and think about things later.

i also got a wonderful pair of new shoes from Shiny Things, and a GORGEOUS pair of new eyes tonight, but honestly, i'm too confused/sad/sleepy to really write about them right now. so, i'll blog them later, i promise.

right now i just need to figure out who's lying to me on this issue. is he really that much of a liar, or is she making all this stuff up??

goodnight, everyone.

December 15, 2009

portraits & pictures.

so, how about now i have a new flickr photostream, made just for my SL account! of course, i had to go and create a new yahoo account and everything, but this stream will be sooo much easier now. especially for keeping my RL and SL photos seperate. :) I think you should go check it out!

I went out today and took some new "wintry-themed", "holiday"-ish portraits, and i'm pretty happy with the way they turned out. i hope to do some more of them really soon, and since it's the kinda thing i do in real life, it's so easy for me. the portraits are all posted on my flickr stream.

I also splurged on some brand new boots today!! i saw them on the Shiny Things blog, and after trying on the demo at their shop, i just had to splurge on them. the detail is amazing in the boots!! i'm absolutely in LOVE with them, myself. in fact, all of the shoes at Shiny Things are simply fantastic, so i'd recommend going over there to see what you can find!!

i'm wearing the "Comfy Boot" in Charcoal. :)

In other news, I was kinda pissy these past couple of days, because i was exploring around the yacht when i noticed this random rug i'd never seen before. i clicked on it, and it's owned by none other than kissy lamplight. (*barfs) my jaw dropped a little when i saw it. it's a lovey-dovey, cuddle rug that's hers...and it's set up on the yacht, still. it really kind of makes me angry.

not to be a bitch, but i'm seriously considering sending her a message that says, "hey, redheaded slut, come get your freaking cuddle rug out of my house! kthanxbai" grrrrrr............

anyways, not much is new, except i have started working on furniture again. i didn't really get very far, at least not far enough to brag about or post on here. so...this is just going to be another lame, boring post. XD later. <3

December 11, 2009

partnership! & TGIF.

Tonight was just really wonderful :) Hot and I are finally partnered, and to celebrate we went dancing at one of our favorite places. It's at the dance club we first met at. I'm so happy things are back to normal now. And I'm glad that I make him happy, too. I can't wait to see what our SL future holds for us.

Anyway, I've started a new blog on this account. It's going to be for those of you who have always wondered where I get my cool free stuff at. Like my mama says, "You gotta shop around." Haha. I tried to take a couple of photos tonight, just to get started on my reviews of stuff, but nothing seems to be working so I'm taking that as a hint to go on to bed. I plan to do a section where I'll start accepting Review Copies as well. I really want to get my blog out there, so more people can read it.

Also, as you can see, I'm working on a new logo. It's not quite done yet, so nevermind the crazy small image that's up there now. I'm trying to combine the stuff on photoshop, and it's not letting me set my dimensions the way I want, so I'm having to work around it. But, that's okay. The new logo will just take a little longer to finish than expected.

And, Today is FRIDAY!! (TGIF) and I'm excited. I'm probably going bowling with my rl sweetheart and some friends, so my posts might be delayed for a couple of days (or at least until Sunday). I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!!!

December 10, 2009

back to normal.

my second life is beginning to come back together, and getting more normal by the minute.

yesterday, while I was waiting for Hot to get online, i decided to explore a little bit :) i explored a few different winter places, but all of them were super-laggy...and i got annoyed pretty quickly. however, i did get a couple of really cute pictures in my new christmas outfit (that i got for free!).
i'm thinking about starting a new section about the free stuff i find. i've become pretty good at finding some amazing deals (not to brag or anything. lol) and i figured, i might want to share some of them with people. hmm....i'm still deciding on it.

Last night was SUPER wonderful. after Hot signed on, we met up...and everything just kind of fell into place. I've pretty much forgiven him for the past. and yeah, i know what i wrote in all of those posts about it....but i was just angry, upset, and confused.

and like i said before, i don't really blame him for thinking i wasn't coming back. after all, the only thing he had to go on was my word. i guess now he knows that i stick to my promises. :)

anyway, we're going to be partners now, and everything is going to be back to the way it was. i'm so excited about having him just feels wonderful to have such a great guy like him by my side in SL. he's going to make some girl REALLY happy in RL one day.

December 09, 2009

good news!

So, just in case you can't tell where i am in this picture, i'm back on the yacht!!!

that's right.
i said, back on the yacht!!!!

i signed on tonight after a good while of coping with my sadness. something just told me to sign on tonight....and about two minutes after i signed on, i was joined by none other than hellof.

of course, i checked his profile right when i got on, and noticed that he and kissy aren't together anymore. turns out, she dumped him because he's rarely online. which i think is SUCH a stupid reason to dump someone. i mean really? there are so many other things to do on SL than romance!!

anyway, we talked, and decided to start a new chapter :) and i couldn't be any happier. i didnt get a picture of us together tonight, but i did snap this one: it's on the top floor of the yacht, with the dance floor. im not sure who owns the dog, but its name is Misha and it's the cutest thing ever. i want a virtual dog now, haha.

just thought i'd let you know that my blog isn't over with...just took a break for a while. more SL adventures are soon to come!!

and also, don't think that i'm taking him back THAT easily. of course well be together and everything, and i still love him and want to be with him, but i'm not going to trust him as easily right now. of course, he'll have to earn my trust again...which shouldn't be hard :) goodnight!