January 06, 2010

restless night....not much news.

well i gotta say...even though my posts have been kind of dead lately, my SL hasn't been, haha.

my rl BF just created an SL account, and i spent like 3 hours today shopping for stuff for him, haha. it was fun and all....but something tells me he's not going to get on SL that much.

and speaking of boyfriends, hot hasn't signed on at all.....i dont even know how long it's been since i last talked to him. which really sucks.......cause i kind of miss him.

but, i've been keeping myself occupied with clubbing and such. Kissy and i are becoming the best of friends...it's funny how a friendship blossomed from a comment that would have otherwise caused us to be enemies. i credit her for that, though, because if it weren't for her loving and forgiving nature...we wouldn't have been friends lol. i can assure you, i'll never talk to her the way i did again, haha.

like i said, not much is new. i was sent a job application (directly from the owner!!) of my favorite club in SL today, and i just filled it out and turned it in ;) i'm pretty excited about it....i'll update with details later. <3

but for now, i have a massive headache but can't sleep. so maybe i'll sign back in for a little while..............