December 30, 2009

l'eggo my eggo, i'm preggo!!!!

So, last night i spent the majority of my time on SL with Kissy. we talked and laughed, and even shopped together....she and i are becoming closer and closer each day. it's really weird how a friendship could spawn off of my comment to her asking to remove the cuddle rug from my house. XD

last night Kissy and i went shopping......for babies. i've been wanting to see the Zooby Baby store for a while, and when i went last night, i was semi-disappointed the store didn't have any demos, but the pictures on the wall were cute enough. besides, they had the CUTEST nursery sets and stuff.......adorable place. i went to a few other places, but none seemed to really compare to the cuteness of Zooby's babies.....

however, i really kind of want to go through the whole "pregnant" process too.....i dont want to make appointments in clinics and whatnot, but i'm just seriously curious about how the whole "preggo in sl" thing works. plus, i kind of want a baby of my own.....something to care for and entertain me. lol, like some kind of amusing pet, i would just be nice to have a family :)

anyway, i haven't really found much that i'm happy for pregnancy HUDS has made me even more confused about the whole process than i was before. i'm starting to get the hang of it, though....and i might have settled on something...but i'm not entirely sure yet. i'm just kinda hopeful that this family thing works out :)

and yes, i'm prepared to be judged for being "pregnant in sl", and for all that crap people will give me, and all the questions people will ask. i honestly don't care what other people think,'s what i want for myself and hot, and it's not their concern.

i also find it kind of funny that i absolutely can not STAND children in real life, unless they dont scream or poop or cry...which in that case, children like that don't exist except maybe in heaven. i'm a volunteer at the animal shelter in rl, and i just love animals, dogs in particular....dogs are just more of my thing. i find it easy to train them and just be around them in not so much. i also used to really get annoyed by the stupid talking tummies that i see everywhere, but then again, i was always kinda curious about them, too. :)

we'll see how it goes, i guess. i'm still shopping around <3

December 29, 2009

weird night...

s1_002_1, originally uploaded by Mally Swansen.

last night was kind of weird.......when hot signed on, i was clubbing at Club Eros, which is a favorite of mine. after we talked for a little while....and he just seemed...out of it. like, he wasn't the same person that i know....kissy warned me about that from day one...and now i'm starting to realize what she means.

i know from kissy that he has sort of a drinking issue, but i couldn't tell if that was the case last night or not. he was just acting really weird, not really responding to what i was saying, just giving the classic "I Love You"s over and over again. it finally got to where he wouldn't even answer me when i said stuff so i just said goodnight and signed off.


why on earth do men have to be so damn difficult!!!!!

by the way, i'm doing a little better since my grandpa passed away. i have the support of friends and family, and i know he's in a better place now. it's really difficult, but each day gets easier and easier....thank you to everyone who has supported me through this, i cant tell you how much you mean to me!!! :)

P.S.: in case you didn't know already, new pics are up on my flickr page :)

December 24, 2009

a really awful Christmas.

So, i've been absent for the past couple of days on SL. My grandfather has been in the hospital since this weekend, and honestly, that's where i've been staying all week. he had a severe stroke while in the hospital, and was sent to the ICU on tuesday....and they put him in hospice tuesday evening.

well, he passed away yesterday morning at about 11am, and i just haven't really felt like doing anything since.

last year at christmas, my mom was in the hospital with cancer. i spent christmas eve at home by myself last year....and i was so looking forward to an actual normal christmas this year. however, i guess that's not going to happen.

his funeral is on saturday, so i probably won't be writing until at least monday. i'm sorry for the absence, guys...i'm just really upset right now, and don't feel like much of anything. :( prayers are much appreciated.

December 18, 2009

house! house! house!

you ever have those times where you just feel really brilliant??? well, last night i had an epic moment of brilliance. i found a house on xstreet for...guess how much??
go on, guess! i'll give you 3 guesses.

the house is absolutely wonderful. and for a freebie, it's seriously not bad at all. i really wish the windows and doors had a locking system, but that can totally be fixed later. right now, i'm just so freaking excited about this place!!
i plan on showing Hot sometime tonight, if he's online. i really hope he likes it. it's not EXACTLY what i had in mind, but for a first starter's not bad. (not to mention it was free) i can't wait to show him and see what he thinks. i have confidence i can spruce it up and make it into a beautiful place that we can call home.
the staircase is totally amazing...i'm pretty sure it's sculpted, but not completely 100% sure on that. i'd say the walls need a little work....i wouldn't really be happy with that color EVERYWHERE in my house.

there's one big main room downstairs, and another room with a door downstairs, which could be a kitchen, bedroom, or bathroom.

upstairs is another large open room, with another closed room attached to it, and a pretty balcony.

i'm not going to post all the pictures here, but all the pics i took last night will be available on my flickr account.
i also spent some quality time with Hot's sister, which was pretty great. she's so easy to talk to....we talked about getting married and all that sorts of stuffs. i really love her...i'm hoping to become better friends with her soon! :)

December 16, 2009

more portraits....

just for a heads-up, i've added more portraits to my flickr account.

you should go check them out. they're titled "Beach Portraits", taken at my favorite beach spot in SL, Venice Beach.

i love Venice Beach because it's so quiet & pretty. it's like a little slice of heaven at the beach.....

wonderful night....then it ends.

tonight was really grand. hot and i went dancing for a long time tonight at Phat Cat's Jazz Club, one of my favorite clubs in SL. i just love the classic romantic feeling of it. there seemed to be something magical about was really wonderful.

until, i sent an IM to his ex, Kissy. long story short, she got me to thinking about some things. she asked me, "why take someone back, if he only came back to you because i left him?" and that was a really, really good question. i hadn't thought about it that way before. i took him back because i missed him.

kissy said basically she was tired of his deceit and lies, and she didn't know what his game was, but she was tired of being a pawn in it. i'm not sure what all of that means, but i cant really imagine Hot being that way to someone. however, it does make me think....why would she make that stuff up, if she's already married another guy????

i mean, it's not like i'm going to jump on the "i hate hotshot" wagon anytime soon, but it really did make me think. apparently, he's done something to her that's not good. the way she talked about him was just...kind of hateful, to be honest. she said he'd kept bothering her up until last week, which is when we got back together. she even offered to send me all the emails and stuff he sent to her. i didnt take that offer.

kissy told me, "i hope you can have all his babies that he wants, because i sure didnt want to be pregnant." she said he told her he never wanted to have kids with any other woman, in rl or sl. i told her there was a no-kids policy between us, but she wasn't buying it. this baby thing was a smack in the face.

i honestly don't know who's telling the truth here, but i'm going to find out. it's weird because this has happened to me in RL once, too. i'm just kind of confused....

she seems okay, but i'm still wary of her advice. and of course i don't trust hot completely i'm pretty much lost in what to do. i guess i'll just sleep on it, and think about things later.

i also got a wonderful pair of new shoes from Shiny Things, and a GORGEOUS pair of new eyes tonight, but honestly, i'm too confused/sad/sleepy to really write about them right now. so, i'll blog them later, i promise.

right now i just need to figure out who's lying to me on this issue. is he really that much of a liar, or is she making all this stuff up??

goodnight, everyone.

December 15, 2009

portraits & pictures.

so, how about now i have a new flickr photostream, made just for my SL account! of course, i had to go and create a new yahoo account and everything, but this stream will be sooo much easier now. especially for keeping my RL and SL photos seperate. :) I think you should go check it out!

I went out today and took some new "wintry-themed", "holiday"-ish portraits, and i'm pretty happy with the way they turned out. i hope to do some more of them really soon, and since it's the kinda thing i do in real life, it's so easy for me. the portraits are all posted on my flickr stream.

I also splurged on some brand new boots today!! i saw them on the Shiny Things blog, and after trying on the demo at their shop, i just had to splurge on them. the detail is amazing in the boots!! i'm absolutely in LOVE with them, myself. in fact, all of the shoes at Shiny Things are simply fantastic, so i'd recommend going over there to see what you can find!!

i'm wearing the "Comfy Boot" in Charcoal. :)

In other news, I was kinda pissy these past couple of days, because i was exploring around the yacht when i noticed this random rug i'd never seen before. i clicked on it, and it's owned by none other than kissy lamplight. (*barfs) my jaw dropped a little when i saw it. it's a lovey-dovey, cuddle rug that's hers...and it's set up on the yacht, still. it really kind of makes me angry.

not to be a bitch, but i'm seriously considering sending her a message that says, "hey, redheaded slut, come get your freaking cuddle rug out of my house! kthanxbai" grrrrrr............

anyways, not much is new, except i have started working on furniture again. i didn't really get very far, at least not far enough to brag about or post on here. so...this is just going to be another lame, boring post. XD later. <3

December 11, 2009

partnership! & TGIF.

Tonight was just really wonderful :) Hot and I are finally partnered, and to celebrate we went dancing at one of our favorite places. It's at the dance club we first met at. I'm so happy things are back to normal now. And I'm glad that I make him happy, too. I can't wait to see what our SL future holds for us.

Anyway, I've started a new blog on this account. It's going to be for those of you who have always wondered where I get my cool free stuff at. Like my mama says, "You gotta shop around." Haha. I tried to take a couple of photos tonight, just to get started on my reviews of stuff, but nothing seems to be working so I'm taking that as a hint to go on to bed. I plan to do a section where I'll start accepting Review Copies as well. I really want to get my blog out there, so more people can read it.

Also, as you can see, I'm working on a new logo. It's not quite done yet, so nevermind the crazy small image that's up there now. I'm trying to combine the stuff on photoshop, and it's not letting me set my dimensions the way I want, so I'm having to work around it. But, that's okay. The new logo will just take a little longer to finish than expected.

And, Today is FRIDAY!! (TGIF) and I'm excited. I'm probably going bowling with my rl sweetheart and some friends, so my posts might be delayed for a couple of days (or at least until Sunday). I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!!!

December 10, 2009

back to normal.

my second life is beginning to come back together, and getting more normal by the minute.

yesterday, while I was waiting for Hot to get online, i decided to explore a little bit :) i explored a few different winter places, but all of them were super-laggy...and i got annoyed pretty quickly. however, i did get a couple of really cute pictures in my new christmas outfit (that i got for free!).
i'm thinking about starting a new section about the free stuff i find. i've become pretty good at finding some amazing deals (not to brag or anything. lol) and i figured, i might want to share some of them with people. hmm....i'm still deciding on it.

Last night was SUPER wonderful. after Hot signed on, we met up...and everything just kind of fell into place. I've pretty much forgiven him for the past. and yeah, i know what i wrote in all of those posts about it....but i was just angry, upset, and confused.

and like i said before, i don't really blame him for thinking i wasn't coming back. after all, the only thing he had to go on was my word. i guess now he knows that i stick to my promises. :)

anyway, we're going to be partners now, and everything is going to be back to the way it was. i'm so excited about having him just feels wonderful to have such a great guy like him by my side in SL. he's going to make some girl REALLY happy in RL one day.

December 09, 2009

good news!

So, just in case you can't tell where i am in this picture, i'm back on the yacht!!!

that's right.
i said, back on the yacht!!!!

i signed on tonight after a good while of coping with my sadness. something just told me to sign on tonight....and about two minutes after i signed on, i was joined by none other than hellof.

of course, i checked his profile right when i got on, and noticed that he and kissy aren't together anymore. turns out, she dumped him because he's rarely online. which i think is SUCH a stupid reason to dump someone. i mean really? there are so many other things to do on SL than romance!!

anyway, we talked, and decided to start a new chapter :) and i couldn't be any happier. i didnt get a picture of us together tonight, but i did snap this one: it's on the top floor of the yacht, with the dance floor. im not sure who owns the dog, but its name is Misha and it's the cutest thing ever. i want a virtual dog now, haha.

just thought i'd let you know that my blog isn't over with...just took a break for a while. more SL adventures are soon to come!!

and also, don't think that i'm taking him back THAT easily. of course well be together and everything, and i still love him and want to be with him, but i'm not going to trust him as easily right now. of course, he'll have to earn my trust again...which shouldn't be hard :) goodnight!

October 20, 2009

day two.

I've been sitting here in the dark for the past 3 or so hours......hoping I might get a small chance to talk to him.....but all i've gotten so far is just an IM from an old girlfriend on SL, the girl I met at the hospital....we began talking after she asked me if I knew how to deliver her baby. We only talked for about 5 minutes, until she signed off.

I'm pretty close to giving up now. It's already 10:36 PM where I'm at...and I've got some homework to catch up on. It doesn't really help that my real life boyfriend and I are having problems right now, either.

I'm just so confused. I don't know what to do. I'm sitting here on this couch, curled up....remembering all the memories that reside in this very bedroom. I'm not even sure what to do...I'm sure that I'm not allowed to live here, anymore. My rug and furniture are still here....but I have yet to find that little piece of my heart that fell out when I saw his profile.

I guess I'm still sitting on this couch because I have nowhere else to go. I have no home, nobody else to go to. So I'm kind of alone. I might just have to accept the fact that he's not coming back tonight. I'm mostly scared that he will sign on again, and see that I've found his profile, and just ignore me and never talk to me again. That's my biggest fear at the moment.

But, I guess I won't really know until I talk to him again.
I really miss much. And still love him. and just wish all this would go the hell away.

Even retail therapy couldn't help me today. I found the cutest pair of shoes today, but it was no use in even getting excited about them. I know that getting them would never make me feel why even try?

As for now.....I guess......goodnight. There's not much else to say.

what heartbreak feels like.

there's really no easy way to say this....but i'm kind of alone in SL now.
i haven't been on in a couple of months, because i moved to college and i've been so swamped with getting everything together and such. tonight, i randomly thought about signing on to second life...because i haven't been on in such a long time.

well, now i'm wishing i would have forgotten about sl forever.

tonight, when i signed on, *deep breath*, i discovered that Hot has moved on. completely. he has a new partner, some bimbo with a screen name "kissy".

i don't know whether to be mad, or upset, or both. i mean, i guess i can't blame him for not waiting on me....but at the same time i really believed he would. i thought maybe we had a more special connection than this. he calls this new girl his "wife" and "love" and blahblahblah. when i saw his profile....and that he had a heart just completely sank into my stomach.

i also can't figure out why i care so much. it's just second life, right? some virtual world?
or did we honestly have a better connection established??

you know, he always talked to me about taking things slowly...not to rush into our relationship, and that we'd pick a wedding date when we felt ready. well, seems to be that all it takes is two months to meet someone and get virtually married.

i'm not going to lie. i'm seriously hurt. i really thought i meant so much more to him...and that he understood i was busy at college. he had my skype address....and i was on practically every night, just seeing if maybe he'd sign on. (yeah yeah, i know. i had time for skype but not SL). it's just that the internet at this college is soooo slow (it's like wi-fi almost) and it's hard to get SL up and running.

sadly, i am upset. either way you look at it, i'm pretty crushed. like, there are honest real tears welling up in my eyes right now. i didn't think some virtual relationship would mean so much to me......but it did.

all i can do is try to stop these questions from running through my mind: is this the punishment i get for disappearing for a couple of months at college? wasn't what Hot and i had special? did i even mean to him what he said i did??????!!!! or was it all just bullshit??

i dont want to believe it was all fake....but somehow, it's hard not to. in past relationships (real life ones) i've been pretty gullible in believing anything a guy can tell me. i guess i can only hope that what he said to me was real. i'm just so damn dumbfounded right now i can't stand it. i can't believe that i trusted him to wait on me, because i thought he trusted me to return.

i'm just not sure what to do right now. i can't look at his profile anymore, and that picture of both of just upsets me even more. i'm sure i'll return to second life, but it's going to take a good bit of time to heal from this.

in a way, i can't really blame him for wanting another partner....and i was gone for an awfully long time, but i really truly trusted him to wait on me. i thought i made it clear to him that i'd be back. and i sent him messages on skype, apologizing for not being online.

but now, he's married. in a matter of two months he's married another girl.
it's been a long time since i've really felt heartbreak like this. (partly because my RL relationship is going well, and partly because i don't put my guard down for just anyone) that's right. i don't trust just any guy.....but i trusted him. i really trusted him. :(

August 15, 2009

7 random facts.

Well, I'm kind of bored....and Hot's not on, and I'm virtually broke. So...I decided to give this a shot. Just 7 random facts about the RL me. Scroll down and don't read if you don't care. :)

1. I have A.D.D. I've been actually diagnosed with it, and I take medicine to treat it. If you're one of those "non-believers", then come spend a whole day with me. You'll believe it, then. :) I've had to learn to deal with having ADD (and dealing with people who don't believe it teachers). I've learned ways to work around it, and I'm in the process of accepting that I'm random and hard to understand sometimes. I try to use it as a creative outlet instead of a "condition".

2. I'm pretty musical. I play guitar and piano, and I write music, even though I haven't written in a long time because I took up journalism and photography. I also have this weird taste in music...I like pretty much anything. On a good day I could be listening to The Beach Boys or Jimi Hendrix. I listen to Bob Marley to calm me down. Or Rap when I want to dance :) It's such a variety, I'm telling you.

3. I'm afraid of hot water heaters, pool drains, and balloons. Yeah, don't judge me. Well, I'm not necessarily scared by these things...they just freak me out really bad.

4. I'd rather wear jeans and a t-shirt than dress up.

5. Instead of getting roses, I always ask for wildflowers. They last longer and they're more colorful.

6. I love animals. It's almost like an obsession. Dogs, especially big breeds, are definitely my favorite. When I go to friends' houses for the first time, the first question I ask is, "Do you have pets?" I sometimes spend more time with my friends' pets than them. xD

7. The beach is my favorite place to be. I love the carefree feeling of never wearing shoes and the sunshine in my hair. I especially love the cool evening breeze and watching the sunset. :)

August 14, 2009

sandbox ranting and housing.

The moon is seriously gorgeous on the east coast tonight. Haha, just thought I'd share that little bit of RL info with you guys. :) I found another reason to hate sandboxes tonight. Not like I really needed another reason...just saying. When I went to my usual sandbox (which is filled with crazy things other people have created 99% of the time), I saw something that I've never seen in SL before. I'm not sure how they did it, but the entire ground was covered in a pool of pink looked kind of like pepto bismol. There was some weird random army tank and something that resembled a gigantic box of cereal. And to top it all off, there were these floating zombie things that were EVERYWHERE. Needless to say, I left.

I may have found a nice little house for Hot and myself, but I'm not sure yet. All the freebies I get off Xstreet are no-mod...which means I can't make it bigger or smaller if I wanted to. I found one that I kind of like, actually. I do wish it had more rooms, but hey, can't have everything in your second life. :) I'm definitely going to keep looking, but at least I'm getting a general idea of what I really want. I wish I was brave enough to build a house from in the Sims. The Sims 3 is my favorite yet (I'm an ADDICT), and I have no problem desiging elaborate houses on there....but sl is just different. *sigh*. I'm needy, lol.

I'm also glad Hot and I are becoming closer. Hot respects the fact that I have a bf who I love dearly in real life. We know the difference between sl and rl...even though my relationship with my bf will never hinder my relationship with Hot. He's a great person to talk to and joke around with. He listens to me, and unlike my rl bf, actually reads my blog. xD lol. I can see Hot and I having a wonderful friendship in rl together....and as for sl, I'm spoken for. :)

And you'd never know it, but he's actually in his birthday suit in this picture. xD He's tasteful as art. :)

Anyway, I'm super tired from all of this college I'm thinking about hitting the sack. I really need to get my rl sleeping schedule turned around soon...which is going to be really, really hard. That's what she said. :) Nite <3

August 13, 2009

customer service & jammies.

So, all is good now. I woke up this morning feeling a little better about last night's issue....and when I signed on to SL I had a message from Natalia along with a refund of L$195. I am sooo happy!! Plus, I'm very impressed. I was definitely right about her customer service. I'm so glad she understood and was willing to give me a refund, even though she clearly states "No Refunds"! Nat, if you're reading this, Thank You So Much!

So, I'm definitely going to continue giving her great reviews...because she deserves them. :)

Anyway...I know this post is a little early, and so I'll probably write another one tonight.....I just couldn't help myself I was so happy. I was able to pay Hot back his $200! Although I'm super excited and head still hurts a little today. So, to celebrate, I think I'll just chill in mahh jammies today. xD

More later. :)

laggy lindens ruin lives.

This is gonna be a rather short blog post...because I'm pretty tired and my head hurts like hell.

Tonight Hot bought me the skin I wanted from Laqroki. I pleaded with him not to, but he did it anyway. I showed him the skin, and he said it was beautiful...and I'm so glad he likes it. Because even if he didn't...I'd have still got it anyway. xD

I feel like the luckiest girl in all of sl, because he spoils me so much....and it's like I don't deserve any of it. He really is the best...I'm so glad I met him. :)

When Hot gave me the money to buy the skin, he gave me a little extra for the hair that I wanted. We negotiated it, and headed over to Sirena to get the "Drip" style. I clicked on blonde, and clicked buy...only to hear the "Ka-Chinggg!!" noise TWICE. Not once, twice. You know, the glorifying little noise that reminds you of your purchase. It always makes me feel guilty...and that's only when I hear it once.

I kind of felt like crying after that. I sent Nat an IM explaining the problem to her, that the lag must have caused the transaction to go through twice. Hot said it's happened to him before.....but I just hate that it happened to me. After yesterday I was raving about how much I loved her styles.....and then SL has to go and mess up my life.

I'm really hoping Nat understands, but since her styles are copy/mod....she says there are no refunds. Which I would sympathize with her if she didn't's not like we're close friends or anything. I just hate that this had to happen...ugh. I'm kind of depressed now. And it sucks even more because there's really no way I could give proof that I have two unneeded copies, since they are copy permission. BLAH! Eff you, SL!

Hot helped to cheer me up, though. He gave me 200 extra lindens to get the other hairstyle I wanted, which was hayden...the other one I loved. I promised him I'd refund his full 200 lindens as soon as I was so sweet of him to just shell out another 200 after all the gifts he'd bought me tonight. And especially after I probably just wasted 195 lindens of his. :( I wanted to show him Nicky Ree's store, but I was just tired after we went back and cuddled in the hot tub until he went to bed.

Anyway, there's not much new...except I'm really enjoying my new skin...except kind of depressed about the stupid laggy lindens incident. All I can do now is hope that Nat understands and can refund it. I doubt that it would help...but I would offer the hairstyle back to her. Lol....I'm trying to find humor in this situation, but I'm just not in the mood. Think I'm just gonna lay down and try to get it off my mind. It's weird how SL can start to affect your RL mood. xD Peace~

August 12, 2009

wedding bells & shopping. a lot.

Hot and I haven't decided on a wedding date yet, but we decided tonight that we'll probably only want a few people there....for lag purposes (and because we're both anti-social and don't have many friends xD) He said that my wedding dress will be HIGH prim and it will look fabulous....and that's when I let him in on Nicky Ree's, which is the shop I've been eyeing for a dress.

We also went around looking for land when we both got online. He showed me this place called "Rasta Keys", and it's a cute little set of islands. I like it...but it's just not what I had in mind. We decided in the end that as long as we were together, it wouldn't matter if we lived under a bridge like hobos. I also warned him that no matter what kind of cardboard box we get, I'm going to try and decorate it. :)

I mentioned to Hot that I really wanted a new skin, so he took me to the place where he got his sexy skin at. I tried on a couple of demos...but nothing really seemed right. None of the new skins with voluminous lips and smokey eyes seemed to work on my shape. This was one of the demos I tried on...and as you can see, I looked even more hideous than before. I did get a good laugh out of it, though. I got a little frustrated with shopping for skins, so Hot and I went back to the yacht to dance.

After he signed off, I got bored and went around the yacht, looking for things to do. I spied the blue boat that belongs to his sister, Blue. "Well, what the hell. Why not?" I said to myself as I got behind the wheel. The boat entertained me for a good 5 minutes...until I got bored and parked it.

I remember seeing Ch'know's blog post about her new skin she got from Laqroki. I loved the look of after I parked the boat, I decided to visit Laqroki's store. And it's become my favorite store yet. The design is incredible. It's so cute and modern....I just fell in love with it. I spent a good hour in there looking around at things..but I only tried on one demo. The designer, Mallory (who also shares my name xD) charges you 1 linden to buy a demo (I'm guessing for tracking purposes) so I was picky about which demo I chose. I settled on the "blondie" one, and when I tried it on, I loved it. I'm stuck between two makeup options, though.

I'm not sure which one I like better. I'm in love with the blue glowy detail in the first picture, but then again...I may not always wear something that looks good with the blue. *sigh* All I know is that I HAVE to get this skin...I feel like it's the perfect one for me. It's just so beautiful and detailed....I'm going to drool over it until I get it. I really don't want to take it off...but I really don't want to walk around with Laqroki tattoos all over my skin, either....

When I got the skin home so I could see the detailing (because public nudity is a crime, children!), I was even more pleased with it. Maybe it's just because I'm a newbie...but I seriously love this skin. It's just so much more glowy than my original one. It's like my whole appearance has gotten younger, fresher, and just more beautiful.

And, FYI, this is the last picture you'll be seeing like this of me for a while. So enjoy it while you can, and don't show your kids. :)

Anyway, Laqroki is definitely worth a visit. I will warn you, their prices are a little steep, but somehow I feel that it's worth paying for the quality you get. I'd recommend shopping there at least once, even if you only want to go and try on the demos. :)

And I'm telling you. I will get that skin. Don't know how, and don't know when. But I must have it.

August 11, 2009

engagements and hair shopping.

If you couldn't have already guessed by the title....I'll let you in on tonight's events. I'm not sure what made him do it, but Hot asked for my virtual hand in marriage tonight. And I couldn't be more excited....I've never done the whole SL-marriage thing I'm pretty happy about it!! We were dancing on the top dance floor of the yacht when he asked me....

So now, I've got to get busy finding a dress. I've already got a freebie one....but one of those Nicky Ree gowns is really calling my name. My engagement ring is already amazing....he gave that to me a couple weeks ago, actually. But he waited until tonight to really ask me. :) This is a picture from a while back (when I still had crappy freebie flexi hair) (okay, it's really not that bad looking actually) and it kind of showcases my ring...I promise it looks way better in world.

Anyway, I seriously couldn't be more thrilled. Tonight we made some kind of other bet and he randomly paid me $199L. So...for the entire night (up until now) I've been shopping....trying to figure out what I really want to spend it on. I have to spend wisely......and it's such a damn hard decision when there are so many good options out there.

What I really want (and desperately need) is a good, high-quality skin. And one of those is seriously overpriced....the whole cost would rack up to about 1000L. And there is absolutely no way in hell I'm going to ask Hot for 1000 just so I can have some dumb skin with painted on nipples. The main reason I want a new skin is because of the makeup on my current one. I absolutely despise it. I mean, come on RL, I'm 18. The last time I wore lipstick that color was in a theatre production. And the eyelashes have some kind of weird orange bits on the tips of them...which looks a little like halloween gone wrong. Seriously, I think I'd be happier with KISS makeup than what I'm wearing right now. I guess it's a good thing the hairstyles I picked out cover my face a little bit. xD

Honestly, I'm so broke right now....I've been considering taking up stripping or something. I mean, yeah, it's cheap and nasty....but it pays seriously well. :) I'm pretty sure that was a joke. It's a joke until I get completely fed up with having no money. It's like, when I randomly get 1 linden for whatever reason, I'm some little child in a damn candy shop. I get so excited and jump's starting to feel like RL. xD

Today I decided to check out a really awesome store...and found that it was seriously noteworthy. I also happen to follow Natalia Zelmanov's blog.....and she is the owner of said amazing store, Sirena. I may be a newbie, but this girl makes hairs that are the most original I've seen yet. She sells ones that are actually scripted, which come with two separate hairstyles you can attach. The hair is pinned up in a creative way (and there are plenty of styles to choose from) and, when a person (or yourself) clicks on the hair accessory, the hair will fall down into another style. These styles were the most impressive to me...and I'm really eyeing a particular one that has some beautiful curls:

The pinned-up style for this one is equally beautiful. I'm just still trying to decide if I want it or not...because Hot just bought me 3 new hairstyles as a gift :)

There is another new style that caught my attention as well. If I may be blunt in the's a hairstyle that gets wet. :) It sounds crazy, but it's soooo worth checking out. Once a particle of water touches the hair, the style will change, making it look "wet". The box also comes with a towel to dry the hair...and a spray bottle of water to have fun with. :) It's really worth going to check out the demo.

I'm also very impressed with her customer service. She has signs up in her store that give you the warm fuzzy feeling of, "If you have any kind of problem WHATSOEVER, then please don't hesitate to tell me, because I want you to be completely satisfied with my stuff. After all, you did just shell out $$$$$(insert amount here)$$$$ in order to buy virtual hair." And to me, that's really important.
Okay, that "shelling out $$$" thing was a little misleading. Another thing I loved about Sirena was the pricing. The hairstyle I want adds up to 195L. Which, even for me, is a steal because of what you get. Some other ripoff places will charge you double that for a hairstyle that doesn't change or do any magic tricks.....and I'll bet you their customer service sucks, too. :P

Sirena is also really well-designed and beautiful. I love the way she didn't put a bunch of huge columns and stupid crap all over the store....because that just makes places hard to navigate, and that just results in a cranky Mally. The store is very open, and it's easy to just start at one wall and make your way around. The scripted hairstyles aren't the only ones she me, there are plenty more. I'd definitely recommend this store to anyone wanting a really original and well designed hairstyle.

I may mention that all of Nat's designs at Sirena have fully-functional demos...which is always a plus for me. Sure, we all look like idiots with giant spinning boxes floating above our heads (like some kind of knockoff Sims) but I love places with demos. And Nat's demos include everything you'll be getting in the box if you purchase a it's a no-gimmicks kind of thing. Which I also love. :)

Anyway, in closing, I've also been looking at some wedding venues and such...trying to find a suitable one for Hot and me. I haven't really found one worth writing about if you happen to know of a good venue, please let me know. :) thanks in advance...even though I'll thank you a hundred times later.

August 10, 2009

nicky ree's = love.

I love to explore and wander around in SL. It just entertains me to see what other players' creative minds can think of and build. I'm always trying to find a new comment me if you'd like me to check a place out and write about it.

-Nicky Ree's: As you can see, I'm subscribed to Sai Pennell's blog(and I love it, by the way). She has a favorite place to get formal gowns and dresses....and after seeing some of the pictures I decided to check out Nicky Ree's for myself. And I was absolutely amazed. Her gowns are amazing quality. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the majority of her fashion is hand-drawn, which makes it even more amazing. Hand-drawn or not, her stuff is seriously impressive. And to top it off, the entire store is huge and so beautiful. It's very well-designed and professional....and the colors make it feel perfectly exotic. I'd totally recommend this place to anyone and everyone. I even found a wedding dress I'm keeping my eye on.....

And to top it all off even MORE, she had these great freebie dresses in the gown section. Of course I snatched them.....and the quality of the dresses is so wonderful. I have one in pink and lime green. :D

Script Balloons and Ugly Screens...

So we all know how I'm the kind of SL Resident who loves to shop for freebies. Sure, it takes up loads of my time on SL, but I just can't help but get totally excited when I find something that's free that shouldn't be free. (because of its it's no have good english skills early.)

Anyway, I bought this freebie from a place called "Freebie Invasion" a while back....and I took it to a Sandbox. Now, for many personal reasons I REALLY hate sandboxes. There are always idiots there who create these stupid scripted objects that are designed to annoy the hell out of you...I've even been there before and someone created something called "Mexican Invasion", which was just about 100 weird shapes that resembled Mr. Bill from SNL....and the shapes were wearing sombreros. And these particular shapes literally followed you around everywhere, and stuck to my avatar.

Okay, enough ranting. But I hate sandboxes. *sigh* But sometimes, if you want to build and you need space....I guess they're the only way to go if you don't already own land.

Well, I opened up the box and found about 400 pieces of super crappy, low-prim furniture....which makes this box a freebie that is so not worth the space in my inventory it's taking up. There are really only a couple good pieces in the box....I came across this thing called an "Arabian Dressing Screen" (yeah, I know it sounds weird.) and I rezzed it. Well, long story short I decided to modify it a little bit. This is what it looked like before:

And yes. It's horrendous.

And now, I'm completely happy with the "After" pic. I know, it doesn't look like much, but I made it shiny and gave it texture, and took off those horrendous things at the top of the screen. They just looked too fake and were taking up needed prims, so I gots rid of them. ;)

Ah, I'm just proud of myself. All in all, it took me about an hour to finish. And that's just because I had never EVER worked with building ANYTHING whatsoEVER before...and I had to figure everything out for myself.

Well, okay, I had a smidgen of help. A smidgen. I needed to know how to seperate the prims from the I had to employ the help of the SL Wiki, since I couldn't find what I needed anywhere else. And I found out finally that you press Ctrl + Shift + L, and that primmy prim is selected! Yay for me!! xD

Also, I know this post is about Script Balloons....(I was getting to that, I promise) I made my very first script last night!! Well, it was more of the wee hours of this morning, but whatever, it was so worth it.
If you're a creator/scripter/way better than me at sl, then you'll probably laugh when I tell you that all I did was add floating text and dialogue. But that took me about another painful-but-adventurous hour to finish. And of course I had to ask sl wiki again...but the concept of scripting is way more familiar to me...since I can work with basic HTML. Anyway, I put some cute little floating text on these awesome heart balloons I got for Hot. It says a greeting when you enter the room, and when you click on the top balloon it has a little message. Hee!! xD

Well, I'm proud of myself anyway. Gotta start sometime. And if you don't know by now....when I'm determined to do something...then I'm gonna do it.

Now just gotta find the money to maybe buy some land....and also work on the clothing part of my goal.

August 09, 2009

welcome to your new addicition.

So, I quit writing on my other RL blog for a while, mainly because I created a WordPress account for my blogging, and I'm liking the wordpress way a whole lot better. However, I'm glad I didn't delete anything on this blog, because now I want to use it to keep a diary of my events in SL.

What is SL, you ask?'s okay. I wouldn't know either.

"SL" is an abbreviation I'm going to use from now on to refer to Second Life, which is an online virtual world I've recently become obsessed with. I've honestly tried a bunch of other avatar-ish sites (ex. IMVU, habbo hotel, Zwinky, etc.) but this one tops them all. It's so customizable, and if your computer can handle it, it's definitely worth checking out.

Here's a link if you'd like to check it out. (and in case you didn't take the hint to click on the one i inserted above ^.^)

Anyway, if you'd like to read in my other blog on blogspot, you can for now, but I may delete it soon, really because I don't write in it anymore. I'm going to be posting on my life in sl from now check back for new updates :)

As for my RL blog on WordPress, I won't be sharing that anytime soon. I kinda prefer to keep real life and second life seperate, since they are already. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me though. I just don't want to advertise my real life everywhere.

So...I've really been wanting to get started with creating stuff for SL...I'm interested in learning how things are made. So, I've been gathering information from tutorials and I think I'm almost ready to start....but I'm not sure what the first thing I'll make is, lol. Check back later, I'll have a picture of whatever the mystery object is soon. But I'm sure it will be nothing to have pride over. xD

I also forgot to mention Hot, as I call him. His SL name is part of that...but I'm not going to mention any full names on here. Anyway, he's been my sort of "sl boyfriend" these past couple of weeks. He intrigued me the first night we met. I bet him 10 Lindens that he was the best looking male avi in the room....and he paid me 10 right off the spot!! He's quickly become a great friend to me, and has showed me around a lot. I'm thinking I'd like to keep him around for a while. :)

Isn't he just adorable??! :)