March 24, 2010

weddings and dogs and stuff.

I've been to a lot of weddings since I wrote last.
Okay, It's only two, but still. Whatever.
You guys know how I am with math.
Being all blonde and stuff. Ha.

The first was Jay & Nika's wedding, both who are good friends of Club Eros, and they are such sweethearts. Their wedding was gorgeous, and I was happy to be invited. ^.^ I 'shopped a couple pictures, and they're up on my flickr for the world and your mom to see, if you'd like.

Also, I went to Spudgy and Sona's Ceremony last night. They are planning on getting together in RL I think, but wanted to have a sweet little ceremony in SL to celebrate their togetherness. The vows were SO totally sweet, I almost cried. The sim was decorated beautifully, and everyone had a wonderful, splendiferous time!
I also had like, the biggest fangirl moment ever in SL last night when I got to meet Alicia Chenaux. I have no idea WHY I was so fan-girly and gayish, but I'm a big fan of her blog and I luffs her style. I guess it was just weird, because what are the odds of meeting her at a wedding Darakon invited me to? She was really nice, and we loled about the various badly-dressed guests and how they would make good candidates for the WTFug blog. 

I also met Ford last night, and a few other people who said they read my blog, and I was floored. I seriously thought I was writing to maybe 2 people, and that one guy who's a public follower. Really, I was flabbergasted that people actually READ my stuff. So, thank you to all of you who read my shitty thoughts, it means more to me than you know! :D (/me waves at all of her stalkers!)
Darakon and I had a great time dancing last night, too. We had went to a Jazz Club before the wedding ceremony, just to kill time, and we had a blast. I've been spending a lot of time with him lately, and he's so wonderful. I've never quite connected with a guy in SL the way I connect with him. We just kind of "get" each other with our sense of humor, and he's the sweetest guy ever. I plan on sticking around him a long time :)
We have the best little "Tiki House" in the sky on his sim, and it's where I've been spending most of my time lately. I'm enjoying decorating the house with various things and the lulz he and I have together. I feel happy now, I feel content. :) There are also pictures of us up on my flickr <3
Yesterday we also got a Zooby Husky Dog, and I love him to death!!!! Their dogs are amazingly realistic and beautiful. He's just the cutest thing ever! Darakon named him "Boss", because he's an idiot, I guess. XD

Annnd I'm not going to burden all of you with my RL stories of spending last Friday night in the hospital and so on and so forth, SOOOO.......time for me to wrap this puppy up.

Peace and Love
Mally <3