December 30, 2009

l'eggo my eggo, i'm preggo!!!!

So, last night i spent the majority of my time on SL with Kissy. we talked and laughed, and even shopped together....she and i are becoming closer and closer each day. it's really weird how a friendship could spawn off of my comment to her asking to remove the cuddle rug from my house. XD

last night Kissy and i went shopping......for babies. i've been wanting to see the Zooby Baby store for a while, and when i went last night, i was semi-disappointed the store didn't have any demos, but the pictures on the wall were cute enough. besides, they had the CUTEST nursery sets and stuff.......adorable place. i went to a few other places, but none seemed to really compare to the cuteness of Zooby's babies.....

however, i really kind of want to go through the whole "pregnant" process too.....i dont want to make appointments in clinics and whatnot, but i'm just seriously curious about how the whole "preggo in sl" thing works. plus, i kind of want a baby of my own.....something to care for and entertain me. lol, like some kind of amusing pet, i would just be nice to have a family :)

anyway, i haven't really found much that i'm happy for pregnancy HUDS has made me even more confused about the whole process than i was before. i'm starting to get the hang of it, though....and i might have settled on something...but i'm not entirely sure yet. i'm just kinda hopeful that this family thing works out :)

and yes, i'm prepared to be judged for being "pregnant in sl", and for all that crap people will give me, and all the questions people will ask. i honestly don't care what other people think,'s what i want for myself and hot, and it's not their concern.

i also find it kind of funny that i absolutely can not STAND children in real life, unless they dont scream or poop or cry...which in that case, children like that don't exist except maybe in heaven. i'm a volunteer at the animal shelter in rl, and i just love animals, dogs in particular....dogs are just more of my thing. i find it easy to train them and just be around them in not so much. i also used to really get annoyed by the stupid talking tummies that i see everywhere, but then again, i was always kinda curious about them, too. :)

we'll see how it goes, i guess. i'm still shopping around <3