February 09, 2010

Welcome to the World, Misty Claire!

Yesterday Afternoon (February 8), I was just fooling around the house when my water broke!!! The baby came early!! I quickly rushed and tped to New Hospital and Emergency Clinic, where I was greeted by a doctor named Misty. They quickly got me onto a bed and evaluated me. The doctor said my baby was in great distress, and that it was necessary to perform a c-section on me in order for my baby to be okay.

So, I was wheeled down to the surgery room where I was put on anasthesia, and Doctor Misty and her assistant, a med student named Claire, performed the quick C-section.

Shortly after, I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl. After I came to consciousness, she was placed into my arms. Since we hadn't decided on a name for her yet, I named her Misty Claire, after the two women who helped deliver her. :)

There are plenty more pictures on my flickr account, because I can't post them all here. So hop on over there if you'd like to see them. :) We're a happy family now :)