August 09, 2009

welcome to your new addicition.

So, I quit writing on my other RL blog for a while, mainly because I created a WordPress account for my blogging, and I'm liking the wordpress way a whole lot better. However, I'm glad I didn't delete anything on this blog, because now I want to use it to keep a diary of my events in SL.

What is SL, you ask?'s okay. I wouldn't know either.

"SL" is an abbreviation I'm going to use from now on to refer to Second Life, which is an online virtual world I've recently become obsessed with. I've honestly tried a bunch of other avatar-ish sites (ex. IMVU, habbo hotel, Zwinky, etc.) but this one tops them all. It's so customizable, and if your computer can handle it, it's definitely worth checking out.

Here's a link if you'd like to check it out. (and in case you didn't take the hint to click on the one i inserted above ^.^)

Anyway, if you'd like to read in my other blog on blogspot, you can for now, but I may delete it soon, really because I don't write in it anymore. I'm going to be posting on my life in sl from now check back for new updates :)

As for my RL blog on WordPress, I won't be sharing that anytime soon. I kinda prefer to keep real life and second life seperate, since they are already. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me though. I just don't want to advertise my real life everywhere.

So...I've really been wanting to get started with creating stuff for SL...I'm interested in learning how things are made. So, I've been gathering information from tutorials and I think I'm almost ready to start....but I'm not sure what the first thing I'll make is, lol. Check back later, I'll have a picture of whatever the mystery object is soon. But I'm sure it will be nothing to have pride over. xD

I also forgot to mention Hot, as I call him. His SL name is part of that...but I'm not going to mention any full names on here. Anyway, he's been my sort of "sl boyfriend" these past couple of weeks. He intrigued me the first night we met. I bet him 10 Lindens that he was the best looking male avi in the room....and he paid me 10 right off the spot!! He's quickly become a great friend to me, and has showed me around a lot. I'm thinking I'd like to keep him around for a while. :)

Isn't he just adorable??! :)