August 10, 2009

Script Balloons and Ugly Screens...

So we all know how I'm the kind of SL Resident who loves to shop for freebies. Sure, it takes up loads of my time on SL, but I just can't help but get totally excited when I find something that's free that shouldn't be free. (because of its it's no have good english skills early.)

Anyway, I bought this freebie from a place called "Freebie Invasion" a while back....and I took it to a Sandbox. Now, for many personal reasons I REALLY hate sandboxes. There are always idiots there who create these stupid scripted objects that are designed to annoy the hell out of you...I've even been there before and someone created something called "Mexican Invasion", which was just about 100 weird shapes that resembled Mr. Bill from SNL....and the shapes were wearing sombreros. And these particular shapes literally followed you around everywhere, and stuck to my avatar.

Okay, enough ranting. But I hate sandboxes. *sigh* But sometimes, if you want to build and you need space....I guess they're the only way to go if you don't already own land.

Well, I opened up the box and found about 400 pieces of super crappy, low-prim furniture....which makes this box a freebie that is so not worth the space in my inventory it's taking up. There are really only a couple good pieces in the box....I came across this thing called an "Arabian Dressing Screen" (yeah, I know it sounds weird.) and I rezzed it. Well, long story short I decided to modify it a little bit. This is what it looked like before:

And yes. It's horrendous.

And now, I'm completely happy with the "After" pic. I know, it doesn't look like much, but I made it shiny and gave it texture, and took off those horrendous things at the top of the screen. They just looked too fake and were taking up needed prims, so I gots rid of them. ;)

Ah, I'm just proud of myself. All in all, it took me about an hour to finish. And that's just because I had never EVER worked with building ANYTHING whatsoEVER before...and I had to figure everything out for myself.

Well, okay, I had a smidgen of help. A smidgen. I needed to know how to seperate the prims from the I had to employ the help of the SL Wiki, since I couldn't find what I needed anywhere else. And I found out finally that you press Ctrl + Shift + L, and that primmy prim is selected! Yay for me!! xD

Also, I know this post is about Script Balloons....(I was getting to that, I promise) I made my very first script last night!! Well, it was more of the wee hours of this morning, but whatever, it was so worth it.
If you're a creator/scripter/way better than me at sl, then you'll probably laugh when I tell you that all I did was add floating text and dialogue. But that took me about another painful-but-adventurous hour to finish. And of course I had to ask sl wiki again...but the concept of scripting is way more familiar to me...since I can work with basic HTML. Anyway, I put some cute little floating text on these awesome heart balloons I got for Hot. It says a greeting when you enter the room, and when you click on the top balloon it has a little message. Hee!! xD

Well, I'm proud of myself anyway. Gotta start sometime. And if you don't know by now....when I'm determined to do something...then I'm gonna do it.

Now just gotta find the money to maybe buy some land....and also work on the clothing part of my goal.