August 13, 2009

laggy lindens ruin lives.

This is gonna be a rather short blog post...because I'm pretty tired and my head hurts like hell.

Tonight Hot bought me the skin I wanted from Laqroki. I pleaded with him not to, but he did it anyway. I showed him the skin, and he said it was beautiful...and I'm so glad he likes it. Because even if he didn't...I'd have still got it anyway. xD

I feel like the luckiest girl in all of sl, because he spoils me so much....and it's like I don't deserve any of it. He really is the best...I'm so glad I met him. :)

When Hot gave me the money to buy the skin, he gave me a little extra for the hair that I wanted. We negotiated it, and headed over to Sirena to get the "Drip" style. I clicked on blonde, and clicked buy...only to hear the "Ka-Chinggg!!" noise TWICE. Not once, twice. You know, the glorifying little noise that reminds you of your purchase. It always makes me feel guilty...and that's only when I hear it once.

I kind of felt like crying after that. I sent Nat an IM explaining the problem to her, that the lag must have caused the transaction to go through twice. Hot said it's happened to him before.....but I just hate that it happened to me. After yesterday I was raving about how much I loved her styles.....and then SL has to go and mess up my life.

I'm really hoping Nat understands, but since her styles are copy/mod....she says there are no refunds. Which I would sympathize with her if she didn't's not like we're close friends or anything. I just hate that this had to happen...ugh. I'm kind of depressed now. And it sucks even more because there's really no way I could give proof that I have two unneeded copies, since they are copy permission. BLAH! Eff you, SL!

Hot helped to cheer me up, though. He gave me 200 extra lindens to get the other hairstyle I wanted, which was hayden...the other one I loved. I promised him I'd refund his full 200 lindens as soon as I was so sweet of him to just shell out another 200 after all the gifts he'd bought me tonight. And especially after I probably just wasted 195 lindens of his. :( I wanted to show him Nicky Ree's store, but I was just tired after we went back and cuddled in the hot tub until he went to bed.

Anyway, there's not much new...except I'm really enjoying my new skin...except kind of depressed about the stupid laggy lindens incident. All I can do now is hope that Nat understands and can refund it. I doubt that it would help...but I would offer the hairstyle back to her. Lol....I'm trying to find humor in this situation, but I'm just not in the mood. Think I'm just gonna lay down and try to get it off my mind. It's weird how SL can start to affect your RL mood. xD Peace~